Neither Adam nor I have been independent, self-sufficient adults since I went back to graduate school two years ago. We've lived independently and paid our own rent (for the most part), but across continents and oceans. We're starting over in DC with very little. We've bought a car. We getting our own health and car insurance for the first time. We're furnishing an apartment with our own ingenuity--not Ikea stuff, but real furniture. There's a lot of tedium in store for us in the next few weeks. But I like that, for us, the process of becoming grown-up people is a part of our marriage experience. It's something that we get to share, the final steps of growing up together. When I move into our apartment after the wedding, I'll be moving into a home we've built together--just for the two of us.
One Girl's Quest for a Happily Ever after... with Occasional Comment from Her Prince Charming
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Our Hundreth Post: Moved In Again
Neither Adam nor I have been independent, self-sufficient adults since I went back to graduate school two years ago. We've lived independently and paid our own rent (for the most part), but across continents and oceans. We're starting over in DC with very little. We've bought a car. We getting our own health and car insurance for the first time. We're furnishing an apartment with our own ingenuity--not Ikea stuff, but real furniture. There's a lot of tedium in store for us in the next few weeks. But I like that, for us, the process of becoming grown-up people is a part of our marriage experience. It's something that we get to share, the final steps of growing up together. When I move into our apartment after the wedding, I'll be moving into a home we've built together--just for the two of us.
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Congratulations on the apartment. I think you're beating me on moving in. Our feeble attempt at making a home out of our transitional apartment makes me feel ridiculously grown-up. That and coming home from work every day to a wife.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely cannot picture you living in a house full of IKEA furniture :)